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About the Association / Contact


On 13th April 2013, a meeting was held to create an Association to represent victims. The meeting was well attended, the Rules adopted and Officers Elected.

Why An Association?

For over thirty years the Australian Defence Force has been engaged in a conspiracy of silence to cover up the crimes its members have done against innocents whose only crime was a desire to serve their country.

The conspiracy of silence occurred because those in charge and who those who did it argued that the larger ideals had to be protected.

But you cannot have the larger ideals if the smaller ones get compromised. It is like building a house without foundations. It can’t stand. And those smaller ideals are not so small, loyalty, honour, honesty, justice and a fair go. Those who argued that it was the larger ideals they were protecting were actually only protecting themselves. They confuse the public good with their personal gain.

The Victims, their carers and supporters now have:-

We will reinstate the greater ideal by protecting and reinstating the smaller ideal. If you would like to have a voice, download, complete and return the Membership Application Form

Contacting the Association

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